28 Oct 2014

Dublin: Crystal Meth Epidemic Threatens To Engulf Working-Class Housing Estates: *Graphic Images

An anti-drug advertisement shows the devastating physical transformation addicts experience after years of meth use. This article is not for those of you who may be faint-of-heart.The article and some of the (links) contain GRAPHIC IMAGES:
The photos, that show a shocking Dorian Gray-like deterioration, were compiled from mug shots of drug users that were arrested repeatedly over the years.
The continued drug use caused horrific damage to the drug users' skin with sores and scarring - that can be caused by uncontrollable scratching during a hallucination when the addict imagines bugs are crawling under their skin.
The-horror-Meth-Before-pictures-reveal-shocking-transformation in the faces of crystal meth abusers. *www.drugfreeworld.org & www.drugs.ie & www.drugscope.org.uk
Crystal meth is an extremely dangerous and highly addictive street drug that's widely available in certain areas of Dublin, Ireland due to the availability of over the counter products containing pseudoephedrine and much simpler methods of production today.


According to RTE News some pharmacies in Dublin were seeing repeat purchases of cold medications that contain pseudoephedrine, which is a main ingredient, used to illegally manufacture crystal meth. Sudafed is a cold medication that contains pseudoephedrine and a popular medication that was being purchased over the counter in large amounts from some pharmacies in Dublin which pharmacists are now being warned about.

Crystal meth is being manufactured in small makeshift labs in domestic settings in Dublin, Ireland obviously the same as it is here in the United States which makes the illegal drug more of a serious concern. Crystal meth may produce an intense rush when the drug is abused but it leads to a devastating crash hours later which intensely drives the user to repeat their use.
Repeated use of crystal meth leads to addiction which not only destroys the user, the families and communities are also seriously affected.

Gardai are investigating a rash of DIY crystal meth labs as pharmacists are put on alert to report large sales of Sudafed, the cold remedy that can be used to make the lethal drug.

AS part of an operation by the Garda National Drugs Unit, about nine kilos of a synthetic drug -- worth €800,000 -- was seized in Waterford yesterday.

A 32-year-old man was arrested and in a follow-up operation a further quantity of the drug was seized.

Gardai have warned that tablets such as Sudafed, normally taken for colds, are being used as ingredients in homemade crystal meth.

Pharmacies in Dublin, Limerick and Kerry have already reported significant purchases of the cold remedy.

Gardai believe some of the manufacturers got the idea from watching the hit US TV series Breaking Bad, in which a chemistry teacher turns to producing crystal meth after being diagnosed with cancer.

Officers here said that users of crystal meth usually die within 18 months and suffer horrendous side-effects.

The drug makes users tear their skin by constant scratching and their teeth rot.

Last month a Polish man was arrested for questioning after gardai found a makeshift laboratory during a raid in Tralee.


Detectives also recovered an €8,000 haul of crystal meth and a quantity of Sudafed tablets.

The man was later released without charge, but a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Unusual purchase patterns of the cold remedy have also been noted at pharmacies on the southside of Dublin and in Limerick city.

Buyers were either purchasing large quantities in one go or groups were making daily visits to the chemist to buy in smaller quantities. Most of those involved are eastern Europeans.

Sudafed contains pseudo-ephedrine, which can be used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, or crystal meth.

Chemists have been told they can refuse the medicine to a customer and to notify gardai if they are suspicious.

The Herald has warned for more than a year that a number of gangs in Dublin have been dealing and using crystal meth.

Last October, two gardai were assaulted in Ballyfermot by members of a crystal meth gang.


A key member of the gang is the chief suspect in stabbing electrician Kevin Kenny (32) to death outside a Ballyfermot pub in August, 2011.

The man, in his early 20s, was linked to Tallaght drug dealer Stephen O' Halloran (20), who was shot dead in January.
A CRYSTAL METH addict responsible for a spate of burglaries in upmarket Dublin 4 is the chief suspect for the brutal assault on a woman who was seriously injured when her car was hijacked in Ballsbridge last week.
Liz Turley, 59, was left in a serious condition in hospital after the assault at the gates of her apartment complex last Tuesday morning. She was knocked to the ground and suffered head injuries. She was unconscious when neighbours came to her help.

Her car was later found abandoned in the Kevin Street area of south inner Dublin. One of the main suspects is a 28-year-old man who is suspected of a series of burglaries in the Dublin 4 area over the past two years. He is known to travel in the company of his girlfriend, also a drug addict, on his raids.

Both are said to be addicted to methamphetamine – known as crystal meth, the drug that featured in the Breaking Bad US television series – which gardai say is becoming increasingly prevalent across the country, particularly in Dublin.

The drug is highly addictive and causes erratic and sometimes violent behaviour when overused. It has already been linked to one killing here which is before the courts.

Gardai believe the drug is being (imported into Ireland) *MADE IN IRELAND by eastern Europe and African gangs. Cheaper than crack cocaine, meth has become popular with Irish addicts because of its intense "high".

The quality and purity of "traditional" addictive drugs being sold here has declined in recent years. Less heroin is reaching Ireland, say sources though there have been record crops of opium in Afghanistan, the main supplier of heroin.

The boom in opiate use in China and India has meant that less of the drug is reaching Western countries. Tests have shown that the average purity in heroin sold here is now 10 per cent or less.

Addicts are increasingly turning to drugs like crack and meth and inevitably turning to burglary and other crimes to pay for their habits. The upturn in burglaries throughout Ireland is associated with drug addiction.

The main suspect in the Ballsbridge car hi-jacking is described as violent and has a severe drug addiction. His girlfriend, in her mid-20s, is also seriously addicted. The man has multiple convictions for burglary, public disorder and other offences.

After stealing the car, the pair abandoned it in the south inner city and it is being examined by forensic officers for fingerprints and DNA.

Gardai believe the woman was targeted because the couple wanted to get to one of the drug-dealing locations in south inner Dublin in a hurry to buy more meth.
Gardai appealed for assistance from anyone who saw the grey 03 Ford Focus from when it was stolen in the Serpentine Road area and when it was abandoned in Kevin Street. The thieves made no attempt to disguise themselves, neighbours said. Gardai asked anyone with information to contact Irishtown Garda Station (01) 666 9600.


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