8 Oct 2014

Cork: In Profile 'A Tale Of One Irish City'

In-depth data reveals the truth about the second largest city in the State, writes Noel Baker.
IT is a tale of one city, but with numerous chapters about its people, places, and life chances.

The Cork City Profile 2014, an in-depth collection of previously published data about the country’s second-largest city, paints a picture of Leeside as a diverse, if ageing city in which where and how you live appear to influence your life opportunities.


For one thing, its population has been shrinking. According to the 2011 Census, the city’s population fell slightly at a time when it increased by 8.2% nationally and the population of Co Cork rose by more than 10%.

Of 34 Administrative Counties in Ireland, Cork City had the highest death rate of them all. Its infant mortality rate is higher than that of Co Cork, but on a par with the national rate.

The number of older people relative to the working population is high, and with an average age for its citizens of 38.7, it got ‘older’ by a year between the 2006 and 2011 censuses. In addition, 15% of those over the age of (15 ?) are retired. ... (follow this link for much-much more):


Economically, the recession has left its mark, mainly in the near-doubling of the unemployment rate to more than 12% between 2006 and 2011.

There are also divisions within the city. According to the study, “areas in the southwest and in the more affluent southeast generally have lower levels of unemployment. Unemployment is higher in all four RAPID (Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development) areas.

North of the city centre, unemployment black spots are contained within the Knocknaheeny, Glen, Gurranabraher, Mayfield, Fair Hill, and Farranferris electoral divisions”. ...


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