13 Aug 2014

BREAKING NEWS: SANTOS, Brazil: Presidential Candidate Eduardo Campos Killed In Plane Crash: *UPDATED

*SANTOS, Brazil, Aug 13 (Reuters) - Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos was killed in a plane crash on Wednesday, throwing the October election into disarray and causing big swings in local financial markets.

Campos' private jet crashed in bad weather as it prepared to land in the coastal city of Santos, just south of Sao Paulo, killing all seven people on board, the Sao Paulo state fire department said. Television images showed smoke billowing from the crash site in a residential area.

Campos, 49, was in third place in recent polls with the support of about 10 percent of voters. While he was not expected to win the Oct. 5 vote, he was perceived by some as the most market-friendly of the three main candidates and his death will set off an intense, if respectful, scramble for his supporters in a tightening election.
Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos has been killed in a plane crash in the south-eastern city of Santos, television news network GloboNews said, without saying how it obtained the information.
Campos's running mate, ecologist Marina Silva was also on board the plane that crashed into a gymnasium in a residential area on Wednesday, breaking into pieces and sparking a large fire, Globo reported.
A source in the Brazilian Socialist Party had previously told Reuters news agency that Campos was on the Cessna 560XL that crashed.
Campos, 49, is a former governor of northeastern Pernambuco state, and had the support of about 10 percent of voters in recent polls.
He positioned himself as a business-friendly leftist and was a former ally of President Dilma Rousseff, who is seeking a second term.

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